Sunday 11th November

Hi Bloggers

Its me again !

On a very hot day in Adelaide, I watched the cricket on my digital TV. The picture was crisp and crystal clear. Shall I mention the brand?

During the day, I went to the gym and did my exercises and then I came home to watch the cricket's conclusion.

At the moment, I am listening to the " Could have been champions" on radio national (ABC) here in Australia. The topic is on sport and its culture.


On a sad note, it is with regret that we all bloggers and writers note the passing of Norman Mailer, the conscious of the American nation.

Hoorah !!!!!!!

Digital TV

Hi fellow bloggers !

Today I bought a digital TV. The previous TV, which I had for twenty years, finally screened its last bit of colourful radiation. I am excited about this event in my life because I finally made it to the digital age. All I need now, maybe, is a mobile phone for emergencies only.

Anyway, besides the above, I am still applying for jobs and I am doing a course by correspondence. The course is Cert 4 in training and assessment. Hopefully the course will open more doors for me in the chase for part-time or full time work.

I hope you bloggers out there are having a wonderful time and good luck in all your endeavours.


End of year !!!!!

Hi bloggers !!!!

Well its that time again. The end of year is upon us. The football finals are done and dusted. The preparations for the end of festivities are ongoing and the wrapping of presents is almost finished.

For me, it has been a better year than the last (2006). We all know that I lost my job and had two car accidents. But I have since bought a car and hopefully it will last me a long time.

For this year, I have been working as a volunteer, part-time, at the Hillcrest Community centre here in Adelaide, South Australia. My goal for next year is to try and get a paid job in the IT field or as a tutor in some teaching institution (private or public).

Well that is all for now.

Good luck to you all in 2008!

Keep Going !!!!!!!

Hi Bloggers !

Today's topic is " Keeping on going". This period of unemployment has sharply focussed my mind on how to progress in my life. I have decided, if anybody cares, to do a few (2) courses that will hopefully see me out to the day I die. The names of these courses do not matter but I feel relaxed about the choices that I have made. If not I will do what is necessary to get through my life. I live to work. In addition, I will take a holiday each year, just to balance my life.

In the case of marriage, I would like to get married but I realise that " it happens". There is a girl at the gym I like but due to my unemployment and low confidence at the moment, I cannot go for her ( being careful not to harrass her).

Anyway enough of me, to everybody, enjoy life!

Thank you for your attention.

Last night

Hi bloggers !!!!!!!

Last night I celebrated one of my mates 40th birthday party at a local haunt. Again the parrot was/is causing concern to me. I know, I know that I should not let it get to me but I must win this battle. I think that he has got it in for me. I do not know why. If he wants to be the leader of our group then so be it. If one of my first mate wants to be the technology leader, so be it. If my other mate wants to be the business leader, so be it. I just want to make my way in the world, under the laws of the land and no questions asked.

What do you think?


Buying useless things

Hi de ho bloggers!!!!!

Today's topic is "buying useless things". I have a mate, who shall remain nameless, buys useless things. For example, the other day he bought a $200 dollar toy helicopter. A grown man, I say that loosely, should not be playing with toy helicopters but should be married with, maybe, with a couple of kids and have a position with some responsibility. He still lives at home with his parents and I doubt that he will ever leave home.

I have another friend, again shall remain nameless, buys videos and DVDs,watches foxtel and is a hardcore and I mean a hardcore Port Power supporter. Maybe too hardcore !!!. Again this mate of mine needs some responsibility. Maybe he should be married with some responsibility? Maybe we all should be married with some responsibility !

Well bloggers what do you think?


My day !!!!!

Hi Bloggers

My day Sunday was devoted to delivering herbalife flyers to my area. It took me only about half an hour to deliver them. I guess you people out their already know about the herbalife business opportunity so I will not bore you with their ideas and marketing plan (

The federal election is looming large and I am undecided at this point in time. But I think I will vote independant again and the labour party in Australia for the senate ticket.

Last night, my friends and I watched the match between the Port Adelaide Power and the Adelaide crows. The parrot was there also but it (he) was on his best behaviour. I hope it continues. I feel good.

Anyway, life goes on.

Dark Times !!!!!!!!!

Hi Bloggers!!!!!

These are dark times for me. I am still unemployed but I will do some training to hopefully become a tutor at some educational institution.

I have not blogged for a while because I have not had anything to say but keep on this website, for more coming articles.


An interview

Hi bloggers !!!!!

At last I cracked it. I have got an interview on Monday the 9th at 10:30 am (Adelaide time). The position is a C and Vb programmer. I have to go into the city and be very confident about myself.

Anyway lets talk about something else. The hot topic is the live earth bands that are playing at the moment. I think it is a good idea that these artists are lending their support behind the push for the political leaders to come up with practical solutions to climate change.

We all can play a part and I will play my part too.

In my backyard, I have a few trees which help in the sucking up of the CO2 in the atmosphere and I have to calculate how much CO2 emissions that my household emits. Stay tuned.

Ciao for now!!!!!!!!!!!

Pole Dancing

Hi Bloggers!

In the city of churches, the current hot topic of debate is Pole dancing. My humble opinion is that our standards , our advertising standards are coming down. While sex has been around since human beings and we know that sex sells, I am appalled that this ad has been aired. I am not a wowser but I am thinking of the children who see it during prime time. Not too mention the effect on impressionable teenagers who might choose pole dancing as an extra curricular activity. Who knows where it might lead the teenagers to?

I guess our attitudes are changing and as long it is done in good taste, parents explain it to their children then it will be accepted by the majority.

Thank you and smile.

The latest!!!

Hi bloggers!!!!!

This blog is about the latest. I am still unemployed but I am planning to do some study. In particular the MCSD. Also I have become an authorised herbalife distributor and a Xooma world wide distributor.

These activities will keep me busy until I find regular work.

Ciao !!!!!

my brother

Hi bloggers !

This week's blog is about my oldest brother. He has done well for himself. He started out as a labourer and now he is an accounts manager with OTIS. He had a change of job where he had worked for clipsal and now he is supposedly happy. The only problem is that he is a bit shy and like me has no girlfriend. Or has he?

Anyway he is happy with his job and is looking forward to a happy life.

Something to all we aspire to.

Ciao bloggers !!!!!!!

Why I blog ?

Hi Bloggers

In response to a comment on my blog, people are a little confused about what my blog is about. You may think and have seen that my blog is all over the place and a bit confusing. Dont be.

To make things clearer, I blog because I want to express myself and have no other way at the moment. To add to this, I came from an environment where the theme is everything. As we all know we cannot do everything. This is expressed in writing in my blog.

I hope this clears things up.

Thank you.

Thank you post

Hi Bloggers

Thank you for your comments on my blog.

Today's topic is about big houses and their problems. I certainly will not buy one but I am happy with the one that I own right now.

There are many problems with owning a big house. Like too many people to house, to many things to do on the inside and outside. Just a nightmare !!!!!!

Anyway, lets talk about something else.

Global Climate Change. My personal opinion is that we should work together in staving off the effects of global warming and climate change. We should change our lifestyle to help the planet recover. Instead of being a throwaway soceity, we should go back to the basics and make products like the way they used to be made and in conjunction with todays green technology.

Thank you.

What to do about identity politics !

Hi bloggers

Can you help me ?

I have a "friend" who is trying to take my identity away from me. For example, he repeats everything I say. It is getting to a stage where I do not consider him a friend anymore. I always get very nervous when he is around and when I am alone in my house, I have nightmares about him. I feel one day I will hurt him and in the process hurt me. I do not want to do that but if keeps on doing this, I will have to fight fire with fire. I will have to do that.

What do you think out there in cyber space?

Thank you.

Help at centrelink!!!

Hi Bloggers!!!!!!

Well the centrelink process has started. At least the path is a little bit clearer. I have to train. As I said before, I will do a Cert IV in training and assessment and hopefully I will become a teacher in a school somewhere in the world.

Well I have started to get my business going by distributing my 200 inserts and hopefully I can get 2-4 people to come on board with me (job permitting).

If you bloggers out there would like to join up, visit for more information and start feeling well. I have tried the product and I feel great. The ideal way is to buy X2o + metabowize and lose those unwanted inches from your body. In fact, follow this regime with a little bit of exercise and you will look and feel great.

Ciao for now !

Health and Wellness

Hi bloggers !!!!

Next week on May the 3rd, I will be visiting the employment consultant to help me find a job. In the meantime, I have been involved in 2 businesses. The common thread is that they both involve health and wellness. I do need some of this at the moment.

One of the businesses that I am fond of is X2O. I am now a distributor for Xooma worldwide partners. This is not just another sports drink but a total health and wellness package for people with dehydration problems - most probable cause of ageing (see for more information.)

Couple X2O with metabowize, and you have a total health and wellness package. Read the testimonials on this product and then try it for your self. (Check to see where we ship to.)

Well its now time to see the Adelaide crows make fools of themselves !!!!


Jam time !!!!!!

Hi bloggers

On a rainy sunday, I thought to myself, what if I could jam with the greats of rock and roll.
My brother is a Jimi Hendrix fan and would love to access this website, to have a jam session with him and other rock and roll greats.

Of course, one can download this music on the ipod, and listen to it while getting fit.

Anyway I ask the question, "Do dreams come true?"

See you next week bloggers!!!!!!

Getting fit !!!!!!!!

Hi bloggers

Its Mario Smith here. I have been getting fit,, at the fitness first gym here in Adelaide South Australia. Of course we all know that exercise is good for you. It relieves a lot of tension and stress and keeps you looking good while also listening to your ipod, on the treadmill.

It has also been good for my heartburn,, while I look for work.

Anyway, I will be hanging in there until I find some sort of work.


Make an opinion today!!!


During my time off work, I came across this website:
To maintain democracy,you can get paid by giving your opinion. How easy is that!!!!

As long your opinion is not vulgar or obsence but very constructive, you can make money.

How about this for an idea? why not study french,, and make paid opinions in French!!!!!!.

My heartburn, is getting better while listening to my ipod, , so bloggers do not worry about me.

Well it is time for the football here in Adelaide. Catcha !!!!!!!

A long time unemployed

Hi Bloggers !!!

The purpose of this blog is to criticise the Australian Government on how it handles the unemployed, my case a perfect example.

As you all know, I was made redundant over a year ago with a sizable redundancy package. That means, under the current laws, I had to wait a year before (a) I receive any newstart allowance and (b) a case manager is appointed to see me.

In my humble opinion, the laws need to be changed to facilitate people back into the workforce as quickly as possible without any delay. Any delay can cause lots of frustration and may lead to
violence in our soceity.

In my case, my "friends" will not help me, so I have decided to do it by myself. This year I will study MCAD.NET and hopefully I will find a job. I will keep on studying until I find a job.

Thank you for your attention.

Mario Smith

I need to reduce heartburn !

Hi again !

Today I woke with some pain in my stomach. This unemployment is killing me. But there are ways of reducing heartburn. I do not want to take drugs but some herbal medicine might just do the trick. So I decided to search the web and found this site, They offer herbal remedies for treating heartburn from a true, tried and tested method. No drugs are used !!!

I hope it all goes well !

See you !!!!

The Ipod


Todays topic is on the ipod. The ipod has delivered music to millions of people and also has a soothing effect on people who have lost a dear one. We all know that music has a soothing effect on people. In fact, music can have a bad effect on people but generally it has a positive effect.

At, the range of ipods (and in great colours) are immense. Also they offer satellite TV for your PC. You can watch over 3000 channels of great entertainment from top international sport and all the latest music.

I have a small ipod myself and I have had great enjoyment from my favourite music. It is black and it can also play video (MP4 player).

Well thats enough for me now.

Catcha later !!!!

Guess what?

I have joined a club for people that are socially isolated and have other problems. I hope to meet new friends and have a happy life with them.

At the moment marriage is difficult so I have decided to get of my bum and socialise with other people.

This is the final club that I will join along with my catholic club.

Anyway my "contract" with the centre expires in week time and they have pencilled me in for next term. I am still not paid but I will be looking for a part time job (wednesday to friday) to earn some income to pay of the bills etc ....... .

I hope you bloggers are doing all right.

Cheers !!!!!!!

Learn French in 6 days !!!!!!

Hi bloggers

Its me again.

I found this great website on how to learn and speak french in 6 days. Although I do not plan to travel to France in the immediate future, but if I was going to travel to France, I would need some lessons in French to communicate with the local people and make friends along the way.

So if you have 6 days to spare, click on the link below and live like the french do.

Thank you.

The Future!!!!

Hi fellow bloggers!!!!!

It is been 4 weeks since I have been instructing the mature people on basic computing. I might say that it has been an enjoyable 4 weeks so far with more to come. The feedback has been positive and I am happy about this.

With the above in mind, I have decided to do further study. That is, I will gain qualifications to become a teacher and hopefully I will not be made redundant again.

Anyway lets be a bit more positive and talk about something else.

This week I started the Master List Builder Prote'ge' coaching program developed by Joel Christopher ( So far I have been enjoying it and I look forward to the remaining modules.

My first day as a teacher.

Hi bloggers

On the 13th of February 2007, I taught 3 "old" people computing at the North East Community Centre at Hillcrest, here in Adelaide , South Australia, Australia.

At first, there were teething problems but as the session progressed, the teaching ran smoothly.

A little bit about the students.

They followed the manual quite closely and when they needed help, I assisted them.

My "Contract" with the centre is for 8 weeks and we will see if I can get a job with the centre.

What's new?

Hello !

Today is the 9th of January 2007. I am feeling a bit down but optimistic (unlike my father). At the moment I am thinking what should I do with my time since I am out of work? I have been thinking about this for the past year. Honestly, I have been thinking about how to get people back for what happened in my past. But the conclusion that I have reached is to let bygones be bygones and move on.

One of the hobbies that I am thinking is that of growing a Bonsai plant. At the moment, I am not much of a green thumb but with plenty of practice, I might succeed. First of all is to do some research on the WWW and go from there.

In 21 days time, I will be teaching old people the basics of computing,particularly WordXp. I am really looking forward to to this to see whether I have teaching skills. This voluntary work may lead to a fulltime job or even a part time job.

Anyway, I must go now and do my research on the web on how to grow a Bonsai plant.
