The banks

HI again,

The banks. We all know how they operate. One of my pet peeves is that they draw two account overdrawn fees  every two weeks of $9.00 each. Why doesn't this Labor Government put a bank tax on the banks and tell them to remove their fees?

Again, this government does not have the fortitude to do the hard reforms that the country needs.

That's all have to say.

Adrian T.
A peeved bank hater.
Gday mates !!!!

March is approaching and then the 7 year milestone will have been reached. Not that I am complaining but it is getting worrying. I have qualifications but yet I cannot find a job. This post is to Mr. Abbot and the gang. Put policies that encourage employers, not to exploit people, but to employ people. My mental health is not the best and I do care about the other unemployed people. This labor government is incompetent. I do not have to go into the detail to prove this. If it is not careful, unemployment will rise substantially.

As I mentioned in my previous post, when there is increasing economic activity, the Reserve Bank will use interest rates as a lever to dampen this activity to keep inflation in check. Maybe the current policy settings need to be changed? This labor government has not got the fortitude to change the policy settings.

Adrian T.

The new class !

Gday !!!!

On insiders, the opposition leader, Tony Abbot proposed to make the 600000 jobless work for the dole. I think this is a good idea.It will, if  the opposition wins govt., make me and the rest to get up in the morning and chase our dreams. It will be a start.

But alas the howls of derision from the other side will oppose it because of budgetary issues if, say the dole was raised to the minimum wage. It should be.

But the human soul, as it is, does  not care. Just like Mr. Piggy!

As it stands, the unemployed have no voice. But if they were to work for the dole, they will  be classed and maybe get organised.

Anyway, I am listening to the Don Giovanni.


Another attack on the principles of freedom in Isreal has ocurred. While the people in DSTO and their allies play political trickery in their respective backyards, a terrorist attack has occurred in Isreal with no end in sight to the inhumane bloodshed. As stated in an earlier blog post, an idea has been developed which may defeat Infra red missiles that the terrorists have in their arsenal of weaponry.

The frustration grows.

My 100th post (Yeah !!!!) is about how to beat bullies !!!!!. In a short post, the way that I would beat bullies is to put a restraining order on them. Yes, I would beat them legally. So if you have a bully bullying you, "hit" the bully with a restraining order.

So the parrot better watch out!!!!!!!!!!!


The Laser !!!!!!!!

I lament the going s on in Gaza. I, here in Adelaide, have feelings of despair as many people are dying and being made homeless. While at my former employer, DSTO, people are playing politics, nothing wrong about that, on the lives of the people in the middle east. While I was at DSTO, there was pressure to solve the crisis and that had a profound effect on people who were originally doing the work. But that is history.

Continuing on, I have developed an idea that may defeat certain types of Infra-Red missiles. But do they listen? No They will not ask just to save face. Anyway, I will wait for a further 13 years before I will sell the Laser !!!!!!!!!!! (I signed an agreement).

As you can see, I am frustrated by this. People lives are at risk. So I implore DSTO to offer me, not a contract, but a voice and some recompense, quickly before more lives are lost.

Adrian T.
Concerned former Defence Professional.

Where is the leadership? - Can China provide it?

I am feeling sad at the moment. I lament the latest news from abroad and locally, here, in Australia. Locally, the announcement of the Royal Commission into the Catholic Church over child sex abuse has divided the nation. Let me state that I am against the abuse of children of any kind. In my view, the alleged sexual abuse of children stems from the fact that one entity, entity of power,  intimidates another entity of a weaker power.
In fact, abuse of anyone resembles the above power model.

On a another front, the crisis in Gaza. When will people with different beliefs and ideals learn to live with each other? In Australia, we have a multi-cultural soceity for a few years now and by enlarge, it has worked.
 If the rise of China is to coincide with no wars and a balance of power that is neutral.

I hope so.

The role of the cricket umpire !!!!


On a much lighter issue, I was wondering about the role of the umpire in cricket matches while watching the test match between South Africa and Australia. The current third umpire and referral system, puts the power squarely in the hands of the players. Anything controversial is constantly referred to the man upstairs. For example, a South African player was given out lbw but the non-striker had  a discussion with the striker and referred it to the third umpire. It was eventually found, in this case, the third umpire agreed with the central umpire.
While technology can aid the Umpire, it should not be put totally in the players hands. The ICC should strike some sort of balance between the role of the human umpire and the machine like technology of the referral system.

Adrian T.

The race that was won.

Hi Guys

Phew !!! What a race to the the white house !!!!!! I hope you have backed the winner !!!! As for me being apolitical, I did not take much notice at first but I then realised how important this election is to the world!
One issue that took my gaze was the oldie but a goodie. That issue is Abortion. My humble view is that the women who is affected has the choice of having the abortion or not in the face of incest, rape (in marriage etc..) and any other situation that the woman gets pregnant. To add a twist to the issue, If the woman who gets pregnant by forced copulation and she has a family, then the family will make the decision to have or have not the baby.

Let me know what you think.

Adrian T.

The Alan Jones Saga!!!!!

Hi Guys !!

      Every one in Australia is talking about the comments made by a well known broadcaster, named Alan Jones.The comments, one recalls, is that he said that the PM's father died of shame because of the lies spoken by the PM. My view is that firstly, attacks on the private life of any politician and any other high profile person should be out of bounds. I do not want to know their [our leaders] private lives. Secondly, people in positions where they can express an opinion to a wide mass of people, should be more careful in expressing a view that may cause offense to people in general. This could lead to riots and people hurt both physically and emotionally. This and other attacks by shock jocks could bite them on the old proverbial.
     I suspect that Mr. Alan Jones was trying to boost his ratings by making these comments. One wonders at the motive for this attack on the most powerful figure in Australian politics.

Thank you for your time.

Illustrator wanted


I am need of a illustrator for children's books. The split is 50 % to me,  50% to the illustrator.
If any one is interested, please contact me at

Thank you

Hi Guys !!!!

This blog post is about how the asylum seeker problem can be solved. It is costing governments around the world a lot of money to process them humanely and efficiently. One idea is to let the asylum seeker pay the destination government the fee that would have been paid to the people smuggler. I know there are howls of derision in suggesting something that is unsavory in accepting money for safe passage. But, the costs of failed policies is mounting up and the populus wants a solution to this problem quickly. I invite comments to this notion of the refugees (boat people) paying their way to their destination.

What do you think?


The future of Governance

Hi Guys !!!!

In the second part in the series, the best of my blogs, I will be posting about the future of governance of Australia. I believe, like the Liberals, in small government. My view is that the government should focus its energies on 3 major areas like  Health, Education and delivering an efficient welfare system. I know there are other important functions  like the Attorney Generals office and so on. So it is my view that the less important areas of government should be privatized and of course the power of the states diminished  with time.

Thank you.

The Best of my blogs !!!!!!!

Hi Guys !!!!!

                   This post is about the start of the series, "The best of my blogs". Today's post is about the relationship between China, the United States and us, Australia. In my view, and it is only my view, that Australia should forge a relationship with the emerging power in the region, namely China. As I said in my previous blog post, the United States, in terms of regional security, should patrol the west and China should monitor the East, including Australia.
                  Fiji is moving closer and closer to China and my instinct tells me other pacific nations are moving towards China away from Australia in the region. Australia at the moment is starting to develop closer ties with China through the efforts of the Foreign Minister. I hope Australia can achieve a closer relationship with China and other nations in the region.

Thank you

3-4 percent Inflation rule

Hi Guys !!!!!!!

I am not an economist but I may have the solution to our (Australia's) unemployment problem. We may know that unemployment is at 5.2 %. This is low by international comparisons but we can do better by changing the policy on the inflation front. Currently, the reserve bank tries to keep inflation between 2-3 %. Every time the economy shows signs of increased activity, up go interest rates to keep inflation to the 2-3% range. If at an inflation range of 3-4 % gets the unemployment rate down to 0% (including the disabled) and it can be managed to keep it at 3-4%, then people can improve their situation in life.

Just a thought!!!!!


The labor party

Hi Guys !!!!!!!

This post is about the labor party. A short post. Whoever is elected leader or is leader of the labor party is still going to lose the election. They have to change their policies that work not have an ambitious campaign by borrowing 100million dollars a day! I am not a member of the liberal party and I do not have a predilection for Mr. Abbott. I am worried for this great country if this current government is still in power. Whatever happened to the Hawke and Keating method of creating wealth and redistributing it? I will be voting liberal in the house of reps and the greens in the senate.

Thank you.

New version of Digeus Registry Cleaner !!!!!!

Hi Guys!!!

The new version of Digeus Registry cleaner is available!!!! (New Version !!!!!!!!!)

It cleans out the computer of old junk files and keeps the registry clean !!!
For more information:
Contact Ashley Adams ( for more info!!!!

Go to it now !!!!!!!

Australia is a racist country - The Parrot is back!!!!!

The topic for now is "Australia is a racist country". I say this after I had personal experience and 45 years of observation in living in Australia. If Italy, the mother country, was in great shape, I would move there and live out my days. Who cares ? nobody. I have been unemployed for 6 years and things in Australia are not looking good at all. I do not know how long I will survive this situation that I am in.

Anyway, on a lighter note, the parrot is back!


Policework !!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Guys !!!

With the current unemployment situation as it is, police work could be an option for YOU!!!! It is not an option for me but for the unemployed out there who wants a job, it could be a viable option. So do not procrastinate and checkout and go to it now!


Police !!!!!!!!!

Hi Guys !!!!

Have you ever wanted to become a policeman? If the answer is yes then checkout and download the e-book, read the testimonials and about the author.

Go to it now!!!!!!!

Surveys -Part2


I love surveys ! Although I am promoting (, I found the best survey opportunity by far is GlobalTestMarket (http:\\ They give more opportunities to earn money and interesting surveys for you to complete. So why don't you give them a go!

Don't forget to mention my name !!!!!!

Go to it now!!!!!!

Surveys !!!!!

Hi Guys !!!!!

Surveys! I love surveys! I like taking surveys to influence the next generation of products. I love giving my opinion on products and services. Check out this site for one of the best survey sites (

Go to it now!!

China and the USA:The new balance


The topic for this moment in time is the new balance in the world. That is, China and the USA. By new balance I  mean, China will 'rule' the east and the US will look after the west. This makes sense both in peaceful terms and economic terms. What is in it for Australia? I think Australia should align itself with China and not the US, simply because of its geographical position in the world and in economic terms, align with the fastest growing nations of the world.

What do you think?

Getting a teachers job !!!!!!

Hi Guys !!!

When I was made redundant, I decided to go and study to become a teacher. But I was not able to make it as a teacher. I could not manage a class.After looking at this website,, I am sure I can help the budding teachers out there get and keep a teaching job. This website was developed by a teacher who has many years experience in teaching. The ebook that this teacher offers at $19.95 will help budding teachers impress the teacher interviewers to get that teachers job in any field.

So go the website ( and check out the testimonials!

Go to it now!!!!!!

New - Amazing Resume Creator Part 2

Hi Guys!!!!!

Furthermore to J.P.Sweeney's magical software to create resumes and cover letters. It cost only $39.95 for the chance to get your dream job or any job!!!! in these tough times. Check out and read the testimonials about this software.

Go to it now !!!!!

NEW - Amazing resume creator


Just a bit more on the amazing resume creator. The objective is to get your foot in the door ( interview) in the company. J.P. Sweeney's software creation allows you to create appropriate cover letters for your dream job.
If you need a job checkout and also my list on the right hand side for other jobs.

Go to it now !!!!!!!